you see a snake in your tile kitchen floor

Normally I would use the Hoe to kill the snake; but since I don't want the wife to know she's there, I'm not sure how I would handle the situation.
Killing nonvenomous snakes in Georgia is a crime. It's also the cowardly act of an imbecile. While I appreciate the support from several for the "black snakes", you guys do realize that there are many other colors of nonvenomous rodent eaters about don't you? Ever see a cornsnake? It's no different than a black ratsnake except the color. It's also known as a red ratsnake. How about a yellow ratsnake? everglades ratsnake? gray ratsnake, black ratsnakes that don't turn totally black...some remain dark gray, eastern milksnake? pinesnake? eastern coachwhip? several species/variations of watersnakes...none of these snakes are black but are every bit as helpful around the house to clear out rodents as the beloved black ratsnakes.

Also...shooting through the floor can be far more dangerous than even a spitting cobra loose in the house. Do you know where all your gas lines are? I used to live across the street from a vacant lot in Lithia Springs. The house that once stood there exploded a few hours after the police stopped by to check on a reported gun shot. The resident there said he was cleaning his gun and it went off. They checked around to make sure it wasn't a crime scene, noted the hole in the floor and left. hours later, BOOM!!! No more house. No more whoever was in there either. The bullet hit a gas line. Gas accumulated and whether a spark from something electrical or someone lit a cigarette...who knows. There was nothing left but a foundation and some burned up bits of house.
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keep your doors closed & kritters can't get in, I keep my doors closed but still have to spray the spiders. We ain't had any snakes this year. so far
you walk into your kitchen in the afternoon and see a black snake on your tile floor giving birth, upstairs you have 12 gauge shotgun(which you have to go about 50+feet to get), at your side you have a 45 acp 1911, there isn't a door separating your kitchen from your living room.

what do you do?
Did my wife see this? If so, the answer is I start packing. Because we are moving.
Otherwise, I scoot it outside with something. I sure as hell am not picking it up though! The rat snakes I've encountered do NOT have a very nice disposition!
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