You will be forced to take the vaccine.

Cancer doc says not to take it.

Since I've banned most sports, dislike large crowds, work remote, and travel by RV - This beervirus "solution" is useless to me.

When exactly did it become everyone else's responsibility to "keep me safe" - Instead of just my own?
I still feel like this is a dry run for Covid20 or whatever else they come up with thats 50x deadlier so that people in masses take the needle. Maybe Im nuts but it just seems that way to me. This is all conditioning for round two.
Cancer doc says not to take it.

Since I've banned most sports, dislike large crowds, work remote, and travel by RV - This beervirus "solution" is useless to me.

When exactly did it become everyone else's responsibility to "keep me safe" - Instead of just my own?

Prior to this "let's force Trump out of office scandemic" the CDC was telling everyone that 75-80% vaccination participation would achieve 'herd immunity.' Even Faucci had been saying it recently.

Of course, the control freaks who want to CONTROL you reply "there are new strains now in the UK" a country with SUCH a world class medical research capability in their NHS that can't even schedule an appendectomy.... This is all a control scam.
I still feel like this is a dry run for Covid20 or whatever else they come up with thats 50x deadlier so that people in masses take the needle. Maybe Im nuts but it just seems that way to me. This is all conditioning for round two.

They're gonna have to come up with a deadly virus that can beat one that only has succeeded in taking less than 1%. NOBODY in this country in 2020 died from anything but Covid even for them to get the numbers they have now. I tell the ACS, AKF et al "Why should I give you money?" Nobody died from either in 2020....we've cured it....
They're gonna have to come up with a deadly virus that can beat one that only has succeeded in taking less than 1%. NOBODY in this country in 2020 died from anything but Covid even for them to get the numbers they have now. I tell the ACS, AKF et al "Why should I give you money?" Nobody died from either in 2020....we've cured it....
They already started with the variants talking points
You guys must not be very tech savvy. It's not an ID that can be faked. Most people here really don't understand the implications of what I'm posting and have a 1980s understanding of ID verification.

Your COVID ID passport is not the stupid CDC vaccination notecard I keep seeing posted. Your "passport" data will reside on a government or insurance provider database. A restaurant, grocery store or airline will request to scan your QR ID code upon entry, which will allow their scanner system to read your vaccine status from a centralized healthcare database. You would have to have access to tamper with the healthcare database in order to fake your Covid19 ID/passport QR code.


Look up "e-CIF" for an example.
Last time they attempted to create a corona vaccine, for common cold, it resulted in animals being MORE susceptible to the virus and dying more readily from it. I pray this is not the case with the Covid genetic treatment, but no one knows for sure.

If you have life insurance, contact the company. Some companies have been telling policy holders that they will not pay out the insurance, if you die from the mRA treatment (experimental treatment loophole). I heard only anecdotal information, so do your own checking.

I also suggest we all become familiar with Nuremberg code:
It covers experimenting on human subjects. Genetic treatments given out now are EXPERIMENTAL, they do not have FDA approvals.
Point 1 of the Code is very much applicable to the covid Passport discussion:
"The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."
Except one small problem with your basic premise. The vaccine is not a genetic treatment. Two minutes of objective research makes that clear.
So you are supporting fascism? Because that's what fascism is, government getting private business to do things it is restrained by Constitution from doing.
Go ahead, sing the "muh private business" song. Untill you find out that the only liberty you have is to die, because every other liberty was taken away by the government and big business.

I am glad that we have leaders lime DeSantos left:
"Gov. DeSantis to Take Executive Emergency Action Against Vaccine Passports
Florida Gov.
Ron DeSantis said in a press conference on March 29 that he will take emergency executive action shortly against the concept of Americans needing a vaccine passport to be able to travel domestically and internationally.

“We’re not supportive of that. I think it’s something that people have certain freedoms and individual liberties to make decisions for themselves,” the governor said."
I don't have the impression at all the the government is forcing business to make these decisions. What evidence do you have that is the case?[/QUOTE]
Current administration incentivices and encourages the pro covid passport business policies via CDC guidlenes and presidential announcements.
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