Your relaxation technique

I like to listen to some music and just zone out. It might be anything from bluegrass or old time gospel all the way across the spectrum to satanic death metal. There isn't much that I don't like!
My new zen time is exercise. A couple of years ago I decided to loose a few pounds. Then I found out my dad needed a kidney transplant. I was told I needed to loose even more weight to be a donor. I made the goal in time to donate, and so far the old man is doing fine. Long story short, I was doing about an hour a day of cardio before the surgery. Once I healed, I started doing it again and now I actually look forward to it. I jump on my elliptical, grab my book, and forget about everything for an hour or so.
Step 1: Sit in front of TV

Step 2: Open beer

Step 3: Consume beer

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3

Other than that I like to lift weights and exercise. On the rare occasions that I have money to burn I like to go to the range, build cars/motorcycles, or waste it on some other testosterone-related hobby.
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