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  1. Cancun or Cozumel?

    Second this. Definitely worth a look.
  2. Savanna

    Lived in the C-Port for 14 years. Only thing good to come out of there for me was my son…
  3. Anyone else have a problem where if you are not spending money on toys you simply aren't happy.

    Depends on what kinds of “toys” you’re talking about…
  4. Christmas spirit?

  5. Christmas music...

  6. Christmas music...

  7. Going to see my future ex girlfriends band play tomorrow

    That band name just sounds like something you catch from an unclean woman…
  8. Scams on facebook

  9. If you were young, single and offered a place on this, would you take it?

    In! But only if I can fornicate with hot alien babes. You know… for science…
  10. Today I Visited "The Fortress of Solitude"

    But it was my baby arm you wanted to arm wrestle though… 🧐
  11. Today I Visited "The Fortress of Solitude"

    I realized that when he offered to arm wrestle me naked…
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