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  1. Knife identification?
  2. Knife identification? The multi tool museum. Maybe ask them.
  3. Knife identification?

    I've done a dozen google image searches and can't find anything like it not made by victrinox.
  4. Knife identification?

    It may be like a custom presentation piece and not something that was a catalogue offering.
  5. Knife identification?

    Found a German knife maker Krebs that made Swiss army style knives with bone handles that have a similar look but nothing with 17 tools.
  6. Knife identification?

    There might only be a marking on one tool at the base.
  7. Forged in Fire-History Channel

    Favorite part is that the losers rarely whine about losing. The vast majority even seem like they agree with the decisions made. It's rare to see men, and occasional woman, lose like men on TV.
  8. Teaching my kids

    I would never get a kid under 10 a knife I would hate for him to lose. $70 is too much IMO. You can get decent knives, with decent steel, for much less. ESEEs and better grade knives should be a reward after a time of showing they are safe and responsible.
  9. Teaching my kids Maybe this. Kids love Swiss army knives with the different gadgets, especially the saw. This model would be much easier to open and I think...
  10. First Benchmade...sharpening

    The stones are fairly thin, there's too much back and forth. The jig won't hold the blade super tight, it will occasionally slip. Knives with a dramatic slope to the blade might need to be gripped twice, one to sharpen the end and one for the body. It's fine for me, but I could definitely see...
  11. First Benchmade...sharpening

    I have a lansky kit also, it works. What I don't have its any knives that cost more than the lansky.
  12. Any tips on throwing this?

    Let the momentum of your arm motion take the axe from your hand. Try to take your wrist action as out of it as you can, avoid flicking.
  13. ID this Bayonet?

    It's Japanese, but I would only be guessing which rifle it belongs to.
  14. Looking for a good Camp-Chef knife

    Victoronix chef knife, about 25-30 bucks.
  15. Snake Bite

    The sack trick works, use a couple of sticks to hold the top open. I'd use this to catch snakes around our outbuildings as a kid, looking for pets.
  16. Snake Bite

    Most dogs will recover just fine from snake bites. My mom had a goat get bit by one. It was physically fine, but went half-retarded. Whatever sense goats have, this one lost.
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