Admitting defeat and need to lower truck (shot in the dark)...

I have lost over 100 pounds in the last year. That hasn't helped the fact that I have broken both knees, several times.
Ya know that was probably why I had trouble recognizing you at the M&G/swap meet we had at the range earlier this year. You hadn't lost that much weight the last time I had seen ya. Congrats brother, that IS a helluva accomplishment right there.

He is not lying he has been rode hard and put away wet.
True fact too, especially before Norman became steaks. Lol!

I like to be different. I actually enjoy looking down on the cars around me. Boy the sights I have seen. LOL
I know that's right. Before I knew you I had an '85 K5 Blazer with an 8" lift running 38" Super Swampers, I got to see some "NICE" sights myself. Not nearly as nice as the time I was riding a motorcycle up I-85N once, pulled up beside two girls in a red "Magnum PI" Ferrari that could've been models and the passenger flashed me! I damn near crashed when I ran off the side of the hwy. Lol!
Pics when finished! Are you having the steps installed?

I got everything installed last Friday (no pictures yet). The steps are awesome, don't know why I waited so long (yes, I do it was the price tag). He got everything hooked up, including the lights that I didn't even know they came w for $400. Also got tires mounted/balanced, oil changed, and fuel filters all at the same time for just over $600. Although these are the same tires, same size as before; they look smaller, I have had several people comment on it. I guess tire companies have changed the way they measure tires? :)
I got everything installed last Friday (no pictures yet). The steps are awesome, don't know why I waited so long (yes, I do it was the price tag). He got everything hooked up, including the lights that I didn't even know they came w for $400. Also got tires mounted/balanced, oil changed, and fuel filters all at the same time for just over $600. Although these are the same tires, same size as before; they look smaller, I have had several people comment on it. I guess tire companies have changed the way they measure tires? :)
How much were the bars :boink:
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