Best Survial Knife (A Must Have!)

You guys have lotsa money. And some of you like such purty knives. I'd like to be able to both invest and collect but I'm all about bang for the buck. I lean towards ugle, tuff and cheap(cost, not quality). I have 3 Cold Steel GI Tantos. One on each of my web belts with my BoBs and one I keep in my truck. Really would like to get a Glock 78 or 81 too but for now I'm covered pretty well.

Also picked up a ColD Steel Bushman for the fun of it. Might want to make a spear someday. LOL! Oh and have Cold Steel Magnum Kukhri Machetes with both BoBs as well in case I need to clear a landing strip or build a log cabin while on walkabout. ;)
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IMO....It's a decent knife for the money but I would save and spend a little more and buy a Fallkniven F1 or a Rat or Esse 3. The torture test on these knives crazy. I sold most of my high dollar knifes and bought a few of these for my kits.
I keep a 12" ontario machete, a Walther tactical knife for grunt work, and a SAK in the truck. I replaced my old USMC issue with a D2 RAT 7 and a leatherman in the bag.

Got my kid one of those SOG tomahawks. I want one for myself.
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My son just bought me one of these Bear Grylls Gerber knives for Christmas. His reasoning was my favorite color is orange and my initials are it just fit me. And though his reasoning is a bit off kilter, dang fine choice! I love the knife even though I generally avoid serrated blades but the serrations are back far enough on this one that the edged blade is still quite useful.

Do you not have any thought as to the country of manufacture surrounding the BG knife? Target.... China? How convenient. FNA bra. Not to be a total pric% but possibly seeking out and investing in an American made product, especially a knife, may be the way to go brother. Trust me... a leather handle USMC KA-BAR 7" fighting knife will suit your 'survival' needs just fine. They have the great ass end that you can pound in someones temple in with just prior to your tent stake. And it won't know the difference. If that doesn't fit your need for the magazine editors 5" stipulation, I'd go with a Benchmade or a Case that fits your fancy.

Embrace something you can pass on to your child's, child with pride.

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