Best/Worst Shoot-em-up Movies

I agree. Mr White killed Eddie.

I am changing my answer... According to Chris Penn

"Nobody shot nice guy Eddie. It was a mistake. What was supposed to happen - and I don't know if Quentin's gonna like me giving this away, but it's too late now, he never told me not to - was Harvey Keitel was supposed to shoot Lawrence Tierney, then shoot me, then get squibbed. But what happened was the squib (a small explosive charge resembling a bullet hit) on Harvey went right off after he shot Lawrence, so he went down, but my squib went off anyway, so I went down. So, basically nobody shot Nice Guy Eddie. Quentin said 'You know what? It'll be the biggest controversy of the film. We're leaving it.' He was definitely right ..."

Yep. Nobody ever points a gun directly at him.

Yeah, that scene's been discussed to infinity since the film came out. The STORYLINE was that White killed Joe and Eddie. Reality and physics show that (technically) "nobody" killed Eddie.
And to keep the thread moving, there's some pretty good shoot em up (beat em up, slash em up) action in "Lawless". Plus its a damn good movie, solid performances from Tom Hardy and Guy Pearce. Not to mention Gary Oldman. Definitely worth a rental if you haven't seen it.

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