Biden to unveil executive action on guns tomorrow

You could just take the brace off....then is is a "legal" pistol again.... Its the dumbest executive anything I have ever heard, he fooled a lot of ignorant people into thinking "oh wow look all those evil little AR pistols are going to disappear," when actually, he just made them smaller and easier to conceal..
Or people could stop bending over and obeying each and every little infringement they throw at us
“glorified photo op”??

So I guess you don’t have a expensive A.R. pistol, that you bought and paid for and own legally?

So then I guess it doesn’t matter, to you its just a
“glorified photo op”.

(1) You are correct. Feel free to go back through my posts, where for several years I have pointed out that with YouTube and various forums full of pictures of people shouldering pistols, and people bragging about shouldering pistols( wink, wink) and manufacturers getting braces recalled because they crossed the line, it was only a matter of time until ATF took action. If the Muslim terrorist had killed those people in Colorado during the Trump administration, Trump would probably be doing the same thing as Biden.

Anyone who bought an "expensive A.R. (sic) pistol" was making a bet that ATF was going to continue to ignore flagrant flouting of the law on shoulder braces.

(2) Even so, nothing has happened yet to shoulder braces, and the President and BATF have a high regulatory hurdle to jump before anything happens, so yes, today's announcement was a glorified photo op. Biden et al. can count on the fact that the press is clueless about these rather technical gun issues, but because the President says it is gun control, it will be reported as gun control. Nobody is going to ask him tomorrow, "what is different today about owning any gun than it was yesterday"?
After he unveiled his dementia riddled gibberish I unveiled my middle finger.

Not my president - DGAF what he signs.
So are there any groups period that are pushing back against this or are we taking this up the ass as always
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