'bout time for an arse whoopin

That kind of behavior started years ago with this kid. His mom probably laughed it off the first time he smarted off to her in front of her friends. Or he was that kid in the store screaming cause she would not buy him some candy. You let it get to that age and its to late. I was telling my dad the other day about a spanking I got with a switch in Southlake mall cause I pitched a fit to go home with my aunt. My dad tore me up with that switch in the mall. My dad amazed said you were only 3 yrs old when that happened. I said never happened again right. Nope. Got to train them early. Today you would go to jail for that. That's the problem.
This would never happen because he would have been disciplined just like both of my children were from the day they were born. If he did I would have torn that A$$ up with a leather belt. Spare the rod and spool the child! I chose not to spare the rod.
This is what our future holds... This is a daily occurrence in my neck of the woods... I see this type of behavior when I'm out with my kids... Even my kids see it and say " you would kill us if we acted like that". And I don't disagree with them. ****ing liberals won't let us parent our children anymore. At least flick in the back of the head!
When I was growing up...it went this way:
Pitch a fit...az whup
ask again after being told no..az whup
don't say sir or ma'am..az whup
Don't address adults as Mr., Mrs. Miss etc...az whup
have to be told more than once ..az whup
don't clean up after yourself...az whup
run in a store..az whup
pickin up hings from the shelves in stores......az whup
tell a lie...az whup
get in trouble at school ..az whup
You got the idea...
I grew up to become a Sgt. in the Marines (where they also issued az whup), have two college degrees, that I funded myself in conjunction with the G.I. bill, spent a 32 year career as an honest...yes honest LEO......owe no one any money to speak of and have a nice home and a comfortable retirement..everything I ever received in life I earned myself, no handouts were ever offered or taken..
Lot to be said for az whup......didn't hurt me or make me anti social or violent by nature and wasn't the cause of my failures and mistakes as I came along....in fact I think az whup is responsible for the greater percentage of my success....
That's all I have to say about that.

I need to add one thing, I've been married to the same woman 45 years this Sept...because I learned from az whuppins that , you don't always get what you want, when you want , you have to get along with each other, you take the good with the bad, you help each other and you have to learn to give as well as take.....
Now, that's really all I have to say about that.....
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