College Football Jokes

What does a Georgia Tech cheerleader put behind her ears to make herself more attractive to men? Her ankles.
Why did Tennessee choose orange?

So their fans can wear it to the game on Saturday, deer hunting on Sunday, and to pick up trash on the side of the highway on Monday.
Why did Tennessee choose orange?

So their fans can wear it to the game on Saturday, deer hunting on Sunday, and to pick up trash on the side of the highway on Monday.

Now thats funny. I once told my neighbor that his car had been vandalized the night before and when he asked where,I pointed to his Tennessee Tag.
My brother , a Bama fan, went to an Auburn game.............Said it felt like he was the only straight in a gay bar. Just a joke AU.........ROOOOOOL TIDE
What's the difference between corn flakes and Corn Huskers?
One of them belongs in a bowl

Why are there 32 cheerleaders on (you supply the school)?
So they have a full set of teeth.

Did you hear about the student who failed out of <Your School name> and went to <your arch rival school>?
Raised the average IQ of both schools.
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