
Gentlemen after buying every possible option and trying them all, I have found the King:

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used crystal rock for 28 years, it's basically salt that inhibits bacteria growth, which mainly is what underarm body odor is (bacteria eats sweat & produces odors).


You would still sweat with this though correct? Wouldnt be a problem in the warmer temps, but might be if you sweat on the way in during this 12 degree weather we are having.
Deodorant and anti perspirant are two different things.

Deodorant covers smell by adding smell.
Anti-perspirant coats the pores and keeps sweating to a minimum.

I use scent away max anti perspirant and it works well.

One thing that is unavoidable is shirts and jackets that have baked in arm pit smell.
Once you sweat in them the smell comes back regardless making you think it’s you but really it’s the baked in odor/bacteria deactivated by your sweat.
For this I either refuse to wear those garments or I soak them in Oxy clean for a day then wash them in scent free detergent.
This in combo with scent free deodorant is a good combo.

Also putting your hunting clothes in a cardboard box with pine branches , leaves is a great way to cover your scent.

Scent control is important especially with that ultra alert deer that freaks out if the wind blows something unfamiliar.

I watched a deer go from browsing to a full lunging faceplant into the ground after catching wind of me for a second.
It got up, looked around and shook it off once it looked clear.

A lot of people have hunted smelling bad and have deer walk right under their tree but wind and other things do factor in.
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