eBay expands firearm policy to allow additional parts/accessories

agree, ebay is the most money hungry web site I have ever seen. I love paypal, they get you going, coming, shipping, surprised they have not charged yet for just logging on. And the 10 round mag limit--that is a joke---I shop for M1 carbine stuff and all the M1 carbine mags which are 15 rounds are listed as "10 rounds", wink wink. SO I guess if you just say 10 rounds then it is ok, and the buyer is smart enough to know that the mag is a real full capacity mag.
They are doing it for money. No other reason. They could care less about your rights. they care about as much as paypal. Phuck them both.

eBay is not supposed to protect our rights. That's the job of the government (allegedly) and the People. eBay is there to make money.
i was simulataneously banned from ebay and paypal for selling gun stuff a long time ago. meh.. multiple profiles for the win
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