Ever weedeat in shorts? (warning a little graphic)

Last time I weed-ate in shorts, I hit some poison ivy and had that **** ALL OVER MY LEGS!!!

Jeans from then on.

Nice arterial nick there brother. I hope you wear pants for the chainsaw use...

[Broken External Image]:
I weed eat in shorts...except when I am clearing out an area...then jeans are a must with my allergy to poison ivy.

But dude...that's way worse than my one run-in with a steel-bladed weedeater and a steel rebar in an overgrown (and unbeknowst) garden. That one sent me to the ER for a tetanus shot...but I got nowhere near that much blood from the multiple little wounds.
A nurse happened by & asked if I needed an ambulance and I told her that it looked worse than it was to which she responded,"Do you need me to apply direct pressure?"

I thought about telling her that it was a high thigh snakebite but knew my wife would inflict a far more grievous wound than the one I already had.
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