Extension of BOS thread -- can you prove you own the guns you own?

I had some firearms stolen. The ATF caught the perps in Atlanta, with the intent on selling them to a gunrunner. Unbeknownst to the perps, the ATF had an undercover guy in with the gunrunner. The perps confessed to stealing my guns from my vehicles.

The stupid ATF wanted me to fill out paperwork proving that they were my firearms. WTH

If the firearms were not mine, then the perps couldn't have stolen them , and there would be no reason to arrest and hold perps.
Keystone cops. When they refer to one another as "Special Agent" they are truly special.

I somewhat conveyed this to the "Special" Agent, and got all 9 of my firearms back.
I can prove mine each has its own notarized (after the fact) BOS, phone photo's of the seller, his car, license plate, voice recorded selling said gun, and over all drone taken photo's of the entre deal. Plus his finger prints off the gun taken right after the deal, many wonder why I am wearing gloves I always say its eczema.
CYA is my Motto,
I can prove mine each has its own notarized (after the fact) BOS, phone photo's of the seller, his car, license plate, voice recorded selling said gun, and over all drone taken photo's of the entre deal. Plus his finger prints off the gun taken right after the deal, many wonder why I am wearing gloves I always say its eczema.
CYA is my Motto,
LMAO. Do you expect them to rub out a DNA sample too? :boink:
I can understand(and agree with)keeping serial#s of the guns I currently own..
But I will retain NONE(Zero) records on anything I no longer own..I believe in following state/Federal laws and the law does not require my recording a sale to a private individual..
The law(s)have several requirements/restrictions for private sale(which I follow) keeping records is not one of them so I don't.(period)

I would add(my advice)..be careful about record keeping,to much is not always better,

Several cases I know about where detail buy/sell records were presented to cops to prove what a meticulous upright citizen someone was..only to have the Fed turn around and charge the individual with a crime(Dealing without License)

At least 1 of the cases a guy locally went to Fed prison after supplying the ATF with his green notebooks full of records(he was so proud of his recording names,dates,locations)..When he gave it to the Feds the notebook(s)showed 100's of buy/sell transactions and they couldn't hardly believe their eyes!...He was charged almost immediately

The law doesn't require a record of what you did w the gun you no longer own so why make a record of something?..its gone..you sold it and that's an end of it(close the door)
My friend got a call one day about a Glock he owned, they wanted to know who he sold it to. He told them who bought it, he did not have a bill of sale, but we both knew the man real well. That Glock was used to kill a woman, just happened to be the wife of the man who bought the Glock. That man is now sitting in jail.
Years ago I sold a gun that was used in a crime and someone was murdered. The ATF had no trouble finding me since the last 4473 of the serial number came back to me.
Years ago I sold a gun that was used in a crime and someone was murdered. The ATF had no trouble finding me since the last 4473 of the serial number came back to me.

That's because the information was still at the gun store that you purchased it from.
The problem comes when the ATF gets their hands on the forms.
Several cases I know about where detail buy/sell records were presented to cops to prove what a meticulous upright citizen someone was..only to have the Fed turn around and charge the individual with a crime(Dealing without License)

At least 1 of the cases a guy locally went to Fed prison after supplying the ATF with his green notebooks full of records(he was so proud of his recording names,dates,locations)..When he gave it to the Feds the notebook(s)showed 100's of buy/sell transactions and they couldn't hardly believe their eyes!...He was charged almost immediately

I have heard about things like this for years and always wondered if it was some sort of urban legend type of thing.
"Well, no problemo, we will just drive over to the FFL, pull out the 4473 and get the serial number of the gun sold to me, because they copy that from the gun, not the box. BIG PROBLEMO, in the meantime, LGS has lost their FFL, and all the 4473 go back to ATF, which apparently stores them in the same warehouse that the Ark is stored in Raiders of the Lost Ark."

4473's do NOT go back to the ATF....They are a permanent fixture to the FFL holder.

Sorry, but that is a totally wrong answer If the FFL loses the license, or goes out of business, the 4473 go to the ATF.
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