Freedom of Speech

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Unfortunately my friend, words mean things. Read the constitution, get out your dictionary and look up every word you are not 100% entirely sure of.

The rights and responsibilities enumerated are slipping away. The federal government has assumed a role NOT intended by our forefathers. I for one swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

You my friend have slipped into the category of an illiterate know nothing, and your ignorance whether innocent or feigned is a hazard to that duty.

Duh youz noews thet ihn difrunt playses wurdz cun mene difrunt thins? Duhs yah noews thet OMG anz IFTFY iz startn a newz vocabulariees? A gurl at whurk theenks thu wurd Ratchet meens nasty or dirty. I hallways thunk ir mint Jacked up or FUBAR. Othirz thunk it mint a thool yuhz uses to tyghtin thinz
BTW i've had several posts that had 0% profanity deleted just because a person with a mouse disliked it. So feel free to defend whatever right to speech you think you have. It only takes one person to label one word as off limits to show you your place in the world. I could give you a few words to try out but, I bet you already know most of them. Common, give them a try. "Friend"
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