Gun owners that make you cringe

I dunno, if we all started open carrying (with decent holsters) maybe these smash and grab hoodie bro's would rethink their impulsive behavior. £u¢¥€rs !
I was in the Varsity last week when some dude accused me of breaking line in front of him....I turned to him, and said "sir, please, help yourself"...never gave it a second thought....
I dunno, if we all started open carrying (with decent holsters) maybe these smash and grab hoodie bro's would rethink their impulsive behavior. £u¢¥€rs !
I have had thoughts that if all the good guys carried guns in open carry that everyone might be a little more polite and the thugs might give their ways some extra thought.
I have had thoughts that if all the good guys carried guns in open carry that everyone might be a little more polite and the thugs might give their ways some extra thought.
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