Honest is the best policy......or is it?

Somehow I think I would have wound up arrested. No good deed ever, ever goes unpunished.

I turned in $280,000 I found at an estate sale. The "lawyer" handling the estate accused me of withholding some of the money. Closest I've ever come to killing a man with my bare hands in my adult life. ****ing scumbag POS.
Tell me more
So I went to Kroger today to pick a few things up. After locking my car and walking to the store I saw a purse left in a cart. So I did what I thought was right and placed my purse next to it and took the cart inside.
I had a look inside the purse and yes I went straight to the wallet......come on it wasn't to find the ID it was to check how much was in. There was a few 20's and ones.
Well I did my shopping and no one came up to me to tell me it was there purse.
so I checked out and headed to my car.
This time with my full attention looking inside the purse I found the owners driving license, uncashed checks, family pictures, medication and a cell. I didn't need anything out of this purse, it didn't belong to me. So............. I put her address into my sat nav and I decided to deliver it back. Well she lives on a 2million gated sub division (St Marlos if anyone is wondering) How the floop was I going to explain this one.
So I got to the gate house and i explained the situation. she said the owner had just come back and said someone has stolen my purse. STOLEN- omg i hadn't. I got directions to her house and her husband was so thankful and asked where I found it. He wasn't happy when I said it was left in the cart..... her gratitude and thankfulness was wonderful. Her husband disappeared, I was wishing her a wonderful Christmas and New year and opening the front door when he came running to me with a reward!
He was upset he could only find $130 for me.......I did refuse it but he gave me no option but to take it.
So there you go..... my good deed and a happy ending.

What a great story, thank you for sharing it! I'm not surprised...you have such a sweet spirit about you.

Merry Christmas lady!
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