I need a new beer, looking for recs

So, I really like beer, but I like them super stank high octane IPA's. As of late it appears that I cannot imbibe the way I used to.
I don't think I have a drinking problem since I don't drink nearly as often as I used to. Less than weekly, maybe that's my problem. Maybe I should drink more to recondition myself but then the wife gets all mouthy and you know where that goes.
The real problem is, I have to buy what I plan to drink because if I buy 18 beers, I'm bout to drink 18 beers tonight. That's the extent of my alcoholism. That, and I kind of get depressed and feel a little embarrassed the next day after tying it on. I usually buy a sixer of some delicious IPA and that about does me in these days. Especially since they started coming in tall boys. Hopsecutioners (which were my favorite) are just out of the question at this point in my life. I'm getting old.

So I'm going to try and expand my palette to something lighter. I drink Coors light when I'm doing a long day of yard work or something but they're more like redneck gatorade than beer. I guess I'm asking for suggestions on a nice full flavored, hoppy, light, easy drinking beer that won't tear me out of the frame by 8pm if I start at , say 2 or 3.
Miller lite makes me gag, bud light equals instant headache, and they all taste like pisswater to me.

Plus, I went to buy my neighbor and I a couple 12 packs a while back, mine was $24 and his was $6. He drinks Busch Lite and I can stomach it in a pinch but I wouldn't pick it up for myself.

I'm off to buy a six pack in an hour or two and I intend to drink them all.
So what's tonight's new beer for me going to be?
Do they make a light IPA?

Dead serious question. If I can't find a regular beer I guess I just have to quit drinking.

@halo696 brought this question on to me when he "swung by" to drop off something from Sunday afternoon til Monday morning. It took me until this morning to get over it.

session IPAs. they are usually 4.5-5.5% ABV.
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