I'll leave this right here

I'm worn out. Walked over 10 miles a day between being on the ship and in port. Ate more food than I needed too but I don't think I gained any weight. Lost 100 in the casino....but best of all.....I ****ed like a rabbit every day we were here.
what ship was you on and what stops have ? Sounds like a good time from what ya listed above even if ya did lose a few bucks LOL
Carnival Fantasy, sailed out of Charleston, stopped in Nassau, and Freeport. Nassau we went to the beach, that was a mile and a half walk each way from the ship. Freeport we went snorkeling and saw all kinda cool ****. Although that's where I ended up feeding the fishes, I puked all in the ocean but it attracted fish so that wasn't so bad, but I did step wrong in the ocean and cut my foot up kinda bad but not that bad, my foot hasn't fallen off yet.

This is the first time I've turned my phone on since we pulled out of port on Sunday.....awesome sauce.
sounds like ya had a few bad moments mixed in with mostly good LOL hope the foot heals up ok . Guessing you went to junkanoo beach in Nassau ? I have not left out of Charlesten yet nor been to freeport . I do loving going on the boat and not having the phones or anything to mess with me for a week though
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