Introducing the world's worst mouser

That's what I keep telling the girlfriend, but she insists on feeding him and letting him inside the house. It's been a bit over 2 years, I have lost the war on this one.

I remember when the stray cat in the neighborhood had kittens in my boat.

It still unnerves me when I think of the laugh that came out of me when she said she wanted to keep the kitten(s).
I don't hear well and wasn't sure what I heard, so I said. "Kitten?".
"No", she said, "Kittens".
That was 12 or 13 years ago, lol.
(Still have 5 of the 6)

They own me! (But this time of year they keep me warm at night, one even keeps my bald head warm, so it goes....)
Yep, I lost that war too!
They don't leave me any room on the van seat to sit down. And they think I just that clean warm laundry there for them to nap in.
Siamese cats are cool but I hear they have an evil side especially if there's more than one of them.

I have has only one for about 7years. Lost the first one to kidney failure. This is the new king he is a year now. Pretty cool and not evil. They have both been awesome cats, i prefer dogs. But siamese are cool. This guy can open doors so there is That challenge
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