I've read some stupid stuff on the innernet but this takes the cake.....

You can't fix or argue with stupid. I get that some folks wanna be Clark Howard CHEAP! And that's fine if you think your time and comfort aren't important. If the chick that posted this nonsense for that reason then okay ...I guess. Knock yourself out . Whatever she manages to save GA Power taketh away with yet another rate hike.
In my teens years I used to spend a few weekends and summer time weeks with my father and his evil bitch second wife. They had one...ONE window unit for an entire double wide and it was in the living room. Evil stepmom turned it off in the morning when she left for work AND forbid me and step bother, two half sisters from turning it on until SHE got home around 6:00. So the first July day that the inside temp hit about 95 degrees I just turned the air on and sat my ass directly in front of it for the duration. Stepbrother was scared to death about it. I didn't give a ****. After all the more she hated me the quicker I could go home and get the hell out of Lizella. I'm sure to this day way after my old man his dead and gone and her own kids won't come visit her that she STILL doesn't realize that turning ANY A/C system off but especially a window unit for over half the day AND during the peak heat of the day doesn't save a ****in dime. It just overworks the unit when you do turn it on.
Wait... What was my point here? Oh yeah,**** step families. No that ain't it. Oh it must be **** tightwad people and all their stupid ass money saving theories. IF...they lived through the Depression and are still around I will gladly cut them a break. But on the other hand if they did live through that then they deserve a comfortable life and I can't see suffering for the sake of suffering when it ain't necessary. But you know deeply engrained behavior...
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