knockout king game perp shot and killed.

"Mentally Challenged" is the new DUMB ASS!
When I was growning up, this dude would have had his ass beat 3 times a day just on the way home from school for doing this knock out crap.
You are correct. That was not is this article. I should not have added without the link. But i remember reading that was part of the game in a article.

Black mobs, and black on white crime are common and under reported.
police refuse to do anything in alot of cases. Prosecuters refuse to proecute or consider it a hate crime in most cases.

We all know that this has to be a fabrication since, black on white hate crimes don't exist in America. Ya know, only racists believe otherwise.
I may be desensitized by the army. But I am actually glad this dumb ass was killed. He deserved it.
And then they go and compare it to the trayvon Martin case. He was on the guys property, and I'm sure the homeowner didn't just shoot without a reason.

This "mentally challenged" excuse is getting old too. I saw on the news yesterday that this guy who was on death row gets a stay of execution because he is mentally handicapped. He murdered a guy in the 80's and then again in prison!!
I don't know whats happened to kids today. I hate to say "good", but yeah good job dude. Its still a sad thing, but maybe it had an impact on the other kids in the area to stop that crap. Hopefully.
this isnt a kid

as soon as someone starts victimizing others and remove empathy from their traits as a human, they become a criminal

criminals by definition cannot be kids or sane
This is my first time hearing of this "game." This makes me sick! Just imagine for a moment what if this was a group of white kids going around violently assaulting black people. Imagine the media coverage that would be on this. It's ridiculous the reverse racism that we see in America.
This is my first time hearing of this "game." This makes me sick! Just imagine for a moment what if this was a group of white kids going around violently assaulting black people. Imagine the media coverage that would be on this. It's ridiculous the reverse racism that we see in America.

There is no reverse racism. Racism is racism and it is color blind.
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