Lessons Learned - Chinese Flu

On the field of serious crisis, the Goal Posts of mitigation often move.

Example: The rallying cry near and far was "Flatten the Curve" at any and all cost we must "Flatten the Curve" to prevent the hospitals from overflowing. Once this was accomplished, the Goal Posts were moved - The draconian economy killing measures must remain lest someone stub their toe.
I was pretty happy with our preps. My family has razzed me for years, but now my Mrs has a different tune. Since working the Army’s side of Hurricane Sandy and reading reports of the Katrina Ops, I started building a “Storm Cache”. Back when Katrina hit, FEMA said we needed three days of necessities in case of an emergency. I noticed that these regional disasters resulted in approx three weeks for the normal distribution of basic necessities to be restored. So, I started by putting up one month of shelf stable food and water. All the time, I thought how bad it would be if it was nation wide... An ice storm in 2013 caused the power to my home (not a rural location) to go out for ten days. This showed me I needed a source of heat and more capacity to cook food than the meager propane and charcoal I had, so I increased that. A couple of gas pipeline disruptions showed me I needed more than a container of gas, so now I store and rotate enough to provide one tank of fuel for each vehicle. I’d like to have more, but not possible till I move. In the early part of this issue, I overheard the manager of a Circle K discussing the possible closure of gas stations. That did not occur, but I was not stressed, knowing I could keep our most efficient car mobile for a couple of months for necessary errands. Thank God this did not happen. We had plenty of food, TP, paper towels and cleaning supplies. My wife works home healthcare, and just left her company, so we saved the few masks we had for her to use at work with her new business. I ordered more in January before the panic started, but the Chinese hoarding already started. Still waiting... I started putting a little money aside for emergencies. Right now, after many arguments and temptations, we have enough cash and savings to pay all expenses for two months without cutting anything or selling body fluids. Longer if we adjust our spending. My lessons learned are:

-Get started now. Ignore the opinions saying you’re paranoid. My wife now says more than once a day that she is so happy that I put things aside. This includes the money and supplies. It builds up quicker than you think if you discipline yourself.

-Do a small garden. I have a tiny... 20x40 feet, back yard. I have been able to grow tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, greens, strawberries and herbs for me and my wife, with a little left over to share by container gardening. This year, I did not start the garden, because we were moving. The Wuhan changed our timeline, so I am a month behind, but it’s coming in. Looks like things are not too terribly bad, but...

-Get to know your neighbors and acquaintances, but remember OPSEC. I’m the only neighbor on our street that is armed, out of 13 houses. An attempted home invasion in late March awakened some neighbors to their vulnerability, but not before the panic buying cleared the gun and ammo shelves. I have offered to; take folks with me to the range, go with them to purchase guns and even offered to help one guy with a box of ammo and a few mags if he bought something. “No, I don’t have enough guns to loan you one.” Things are not that bad yet.

-I have a small amount of food and water set aside to help neighbors. Thank God things have not gotten desperate, but if the stores were unable to provide basic necessities, then I could help a family of four eat one meal a day for a week. Friends and some neighbors know I keep “about a month” of food, so if I shared a little, they’d believe that they need to go elsewhere for more. I have been asked about TP by one who did not make it past week one. My wife knows not to open the door for one neighbor.

- In March, my fridge started acting up. I had to run out at midnight on a Friday night, to get ice so I would not lose the food in the freezer. Nothing was open (not even Walmart) but I found an ice machine that took cash. There would be no repair techs to fix it. I was able to get it working and lost no frozen food. If I had lost the food, I would have the storm cache, for “about a month”, plus the week of food set aside for the neighbors...

-Our neighborhood is pretty nice, but we’ve had one home invasion, one attempted home invasion and a few burglaries over the 15 years we’ve lived here. This all when times are Good to not so bad. If things were to get ugly, there is no way for me and the Mrs to repel all zombies 24/7. Too close to bad elements and small yard. We must “cooperate to graduate” with some of our trustworthy neighbors. On that note, when things get back to normal, I will be getting a couple of inexpensive pistols, long guns and a little ammo for others to use/purchase, so I won’t worry about the firearm’s absence.

-Some jurisdictions have done confiscations (Katrina) and should things get ugly, some will in the future. I have no doubt that if we have leaders like Stacey Abrams when things get ugly, then they may try. We could also have a disaster (storm or fire) that destroys what we have. So... it would behoove me to have a few necessities set aside at another location.

-Thank God I hunt and stocked my freezer. I have not bought any meat other than sandwich meat since late February. I know where and when to find more. The unsettling meat processing/distribution situation will not affect me for “about a month” unless we lose power.

-If we did lose power, I’m hosed right now. I need to get a small generator to keep the fridge and freezer going.

-The panic buying and the attempted home invasion showed me I need to get my butt in gear and get this house sold and get my little bit of land settled in for the next zombie invasion.

This little SHTF rehearsal has provided the motivation for Household6 to support the effort. Hopefully we won’t be running this thread again for a while. When we do, hopefully more of us can provide positive input for others to learn from.
Marxist organizations have been waiting in the shadows developing plans to destroy America. They make use of any widely seen emotional incident to trigger their plan into action and use the incident as cover. Ex. - BLM and Antifa coordinating riots across the nation with the cover of George Floyd's death.
The Left, ie the Marxist Dems, will gladly sacrifice the country and thousands of lives in order to expand their political power. Ex. - Preventing hydroxychloroquine from getting a fair trial until other countries proved beyond any doubt that it works if administered very early as is the requirement for any anti-viral drug. Requiring economy killing, family destroying lock downs that will suddenly disappear after a Dem is elected POTUS.
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