Missouri introduces bill that requires everyone to own an AR

I always thought we should require every able bodied man from 16 to 70 to be able to muster with a rifle and 240 rounds of ammunition and three days of food and water in an emergency. 150 years ago they'd do it just to avoid shame. Now that we've eliminated shame as a normative behavior motivation in American society, you'd have to legislate that.
I always thought we should require every able bodied man from 16 to 70 to be able to muster with a rifle and 240 rounds of ammunition and three days of food and water in an emergency. 150 years ago they'd do it just to avoid shame. Now that we've eliminated shame as a normative behavior motivation in American soceity, you'd have to legislate that.

These days we celebrate shameful behavior and shame strong, decent behavior. What great times we live in!

Good luck Missouri. This bill has as much chance as a snowflake in hell.
I feel they need to stop using the term "assault weapon", and replace with firearm. This plays into the left's agenda. Fifty years ago, a Smith & Wesson 10-5 was an assault weapon. A 100 years ago, a knife was an assault weapon.
I always thought we should require every able bodied man from 16 to 70 to be able to muster with a rifle and 240 rounds of ammunition and three days of food and water in an emergency. 150 years ago they'd do it just to avoid shame. Now that we've eliminated shame as a normative behavior motivation in American society, you'd have to legislate that.
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