New Cat Name Suggestions

My older daughter moved to Macon about two weeks ago and took her favorite of my three cats with her. I was fine with that. But it turned out to be my youngest daughter's favorite too. So she was all upset all last week about it. So for the first time ever I had to go looking for a replacement cat. Usually they find me. So yesterday we picked up this two month old black and white guy in Warner Robins.

Now the debate goes on about what to name him. My daughter keeps coming up with uh... shall we say girly names. And I don't don't want little homo LGBT cat in my house.I tried Carlos and that got shot down. Followed by Darrell and Herschel since she's a big Walking Dead fan. But all my suggestions fell short. Then I came up with the perfect name given his appearance. But my youngest has no memory of or appreciation for the big 80s. Anyway I thought Tommy Tutone was perfect. What do yall think?
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