Peach pass - what a joke!

It depends on what time of day it is. During rush hour, it's crazy expensive. In the middle of the night it's a few cents.

Yup, I use the new lanes on I-75 from top to bottom, on average it will save 10 minutes Southbound and 20-30 minutes northbound when I generally use them. Usually costs $1.55 SB, and $1.65 NB. Though I have seen the SB toll at $3.30, $4.20 and $5.00. I don't use it if it goes over $2
Back when 400 had a tool booth I had the precursor to PeachPass (forget what it was called). It always let me through without setting off the alarm, but it would fail to charge my account every 10th time or so.

As for the OP's problem, it just shows how much the folks behind PP are idiots. They didn't check to see if the fine they were sending out was to someone with a PP registered to them? that should be step one before wasting everyone's time.
i got a peach pass back when i lived in gwinnett and worked off chamblee tucker....and got off work at 6pm....that drive was a nightmare. never got something that says they failed to scan my barcode yet though.

what REALLY pisses me off is when im in the peach pass lane and theres someone in front of me going the speed limit or slower. its the fastest of the fast lines!!!! i pay to be able to go fast as hell to pass slow traffic in that lane!! do 80mph or get the hell outta it!! im not ashamed to admit that i would wait for a reader, then pass some slow mofo by crossing the dbl whites and get back in the peach pass lane lol. even though i know if they get you on at least one reader they charge you for the full amount of the entire section. thats why i laugh at the people that do it when they get off 285 onto 85n and dont wait for the merging section.

and i do only drive in it when its cheap now since i moved. but i still use it when i go to class up at gwinnett tech or when coming home, depends on the time/price.
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