Question on Open carrying

Good morning guys,so I moved out here from ca(thank god) and brought my glock 21 sf with me, now that I have my ga id, I’m wondering how many people open carry their firearms? Is it better for me to get a conceal carry permit? I don’t want random people calling the cops on me when they see me walking around a store or something with my weapon on my hip. Just a little paranoid coming from cali where I had the police called on me for literally walking down the street with my glock box. And as far as picking up another firearm, I only need my id and a bill correct? Do I have to wait 4 days like in cali?

My personal opinion is I prefer to have a license and conceal carry. Open carry of a pistol requires the same license as conceal carry. I would rather not let it be known I am carrying because I believe that causes more problems than it avoids. For example, I think it is more likely that someone up to no good would note that I am a threat and make me a target than note that I am armed and change their plans of mischief. I'm sure can come up with many scenarios that do not fit that mold but that is what I consider most likely. If I were to open carry would want to be on guard 100% of the time and know for sure I was the fastest, best shot around. Thing is no matter how good you are there is always someone better. Just my 2 cents.

Have you looked into any training with your new firearm? I would humbly recommend some range time, a few lessons and some USPSA/IDPA. Having a firearm is one thing. Being proficient with it is another. Please don't be offended if I incorrectly assumed you were new to firearms. If wrong then I will shut up and say go for it :)
All those values you speak of exist in the country ass areas of NY too. Same people, different location. You should travel more.
Yes every once on a while I get north of the big chicken.
But as I have friends in Maine I can attest there are more rednecks in Maine then Marietta Georgia.
Not knocking Yankees with values, but in my experience they are the exception not the rule here.
Yes every once on a while I get north of the big chicken.
But as I have friends in Maine I can attest there are more rednecks in Maine then Marietta Georgia.
Not knocking Yankees with values, but in my experience they are the exception not the rule here.
And you might be one of them. Subscribing to watch not be the main event.
Good morning guys,so I moved out here from ca(thank god) and brought my glock 21 sf with me, now that I have my ga id, I’m wondering how many people open carry their firearms? Is it better for me to get a conceal carry permit? I don’t want random people calling the cops on me when they see me walking around a store or something with my weapon on my hip. Just a little paranoid coming from cali where I had the police called on me for literally walking down the street with my glock box. And as far as picking up another firearm, I only need my id and a bill correct? Do I have to wait 4 days like in cali?
One of the other problems with non natives is that they soon tell their liberal friends and family how good it is here. Next thing you know they have brought exactly what they left here. They then move on to another state, as they seem to have no roots, and start the whole process over again.

Did you plan that?
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