Revamped get home bag

I'd say negative on ziplock bags-You can get some nice drybags that wont break the bank at academy sports. If you believe ziplock bags will work you haven't been out in real foul conditions, I'd acquire a couple more mags instead of carrying a box of ammo-less bulk. I'd take the tomahawk with handle attached. If you need it for breaching you probably wont have time to stop and make one. Filters good but I'd bring water as well. Is it a good first aid kit with a compression bandage, ace wrap and a TQ?
Unless you buy the expensive ones, the cheapies aren't any better than heavy duty freezer bags at sealing and not wearing thru. And if you get the really good dry bags, they are heavy(er) and take up more space because they aren't as flexible.
The sea to summit bags are great-aint bulky and hold up. They come in different sizes as well. If you like and are successful with freezer bags stick with them. They do not work for me.
I do a lot of weekend hikes through that area on my fishing trips. Zip lock backs and ponchos are a great idea. 2 ponchos. I would also throw in a few multivitamins and water purification tablets. Light weight and can't hurt.
I also believe in Ziploc bags. But bag EVERYTHING in units. Gloves in a bag, X in a bag, Y in a bag. If one bag were to fail, everything else would still be safe. Also the bags are reusable for food, tinder or even water storage.

Did I miss your fire starting supplies? Lighters, matches, fire starter, cotton balls w/Vaseline, maybe a fire piston? All individually, or in small kits in Ziploc bags.

Extra duct tape around the lighter or lighters. Six-twelve inches wrapped around the lighter makes for convenient storage and pads the lighter for easier grip with gloves on.

Ditch the 10 MM for SHTF and go with a 40 S&W w/9MM conversion. If travelling on foot and you should run low on ammo you can't count on scavenging 10MM. But 40 and 9 are very common. A Glock 23 can be converted to 9 MM with a barrel and magazine(2-3 magazines if you like having backups as I do). So for a Glock 40 S&W the conversion kit(sans ammo) weighs 6-8 ounces. and gives you two of the most common calibers you are likely to encounter. I know 10MM is badass and all but it's just not my idea of practical overall. I love .357 Sig but for the same reasons won't consider it part of my SHTF inventory.
saw you guys talking about socks.
-thorlo, who i like better than smartwool, is giving away a pair to try on their website + $5 shipping. well worth it. best socks ever

-I may have missed it but do you have gloves, emergency blankets, or hand warmers? weather is turning...

-how's the 8 watt baofeng? worth the price difference over the 4 watt? ive been eyeing that. do you have a way to charge it? maybe a AA adapter and some spare duracells?
I use ziplocks, I double them up. I was thinking a folding hand saw. not sure if I saw one in there. I would scrap the jeans and get a pair of hiking pants from academy. but that's personal opinion. Vaseline cotton balls for if it's wet? keep in your fire kit.
saw you guys talking about socks.
-thorlo, who i like better than smartwool, is giving away a pair to try on their website + $5 shipping. well worth it. best socks ever

-I may have missed it but do you have gloves, emergency blankets, or hand warmers? weather is turning...

-how's the 8 watt baofeng? worth the price difference over the 4 watt? ive been eyeing that. do you have a way to charge it? maybe a AA adapter and some spare duracells?

Ordered the $4.90 "Free" pair. LOL. On the "where did you hear about us" block I linked the ODT. Be cool if they'd throw us a shout out.
Ditch the underwaear, I've gone commando foe the past 12 years, can't wear underwear anymore. I'd also get rid of the binoculars and get a monocular personally. Throw in a few bics and some laundry lint for tinder.
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