Self-defense against Florida panthers

All jokes aside 9mm should be enough for most threats you'll come across in GA but I always err on the side of being prepared for the largest animal I potentially could encounter. For me that means a s&w m69 44mag when I need to be discreet and a 12ga mossberg shockwave slung over my shoulder when I don't. 10mm would also be good. Just make sure you can be accurate with whatever you decide and I'm sure you'll be fine.
I spent my first 51 years in Florida and have seen panthers about 5 or 6 times. They seem to be afraid of people. I worked tor International Minerals and Chemical Company and spent many nights riding around in a truck at night checking dams and pumps in South Florida. I saw many bobcats, but very few panthers. I usually carried a S&W Model 28 .357 magnum. Killed a few snakes with it.
Heard some locals talk about big cats in the Elberton area. Apparently there are a lot in South Carolina. Guess they migrated from Florida. Ben to Richard Russell State Park and the Anderson area and now I'm wondering if I should carry protection against these big meat eaters. Is Glock 9mm enough when camping?
Sumter County Ga. I have seen one (or more, just one at time) in my front yard. My neighbor has also seen one close to his house quarter mile from me. These are black ones. In neighboring Webster county people have been seeing them for many years near Lanahassee Creek but I hear those are kinda brown color. Never heard of anyone around here being threatened by one.
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