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Filter system for water, hand pump for well if you have one, dried beans and rice, can goods, medical supplies, manual showers, rain water catchment system water for flushing toilets, wood burning stoves for heating and cooking, fencing will help with security, big dogs, fishing line, rope, warm clothing, plenty of gloves, manual tools, liquor for bartering, batteries, walkie talkies, plywood for windows small cal rifles for animals( first thing people get rid of if they can’t feed there family is their pets) stay quite and hide as much as possible you can’t prepare enough. People don’t believe it can happen here. “ It Can”
From any grocery:
Gallons of water
Large cans of crushed tomatoes
Chicken/beef/veggie stock
Dried beans
Rice/lentils/barley/some dried grain that will last
Horizon milk if you have kids
Gallon or 2 of milk to freeze
Tea packets / cocoa packets (could be nice to drink something other than water)
Hot sauce
Ground beef, pot roast, chuck roast, whatever, and freeze it.
Canned chicken
Granola bars/clif bars/some sort of high carb bars
Pasta, lots of pasta
Rechargeable batteries and a solar charger
Solar flashlight
Solar radio (see a pattern?)
Wood burning camp stove
Pot to cook over a wood burning camp stove or gas grill
Extra propane tanks
Thank you! I used to have a camper and I still have my little oven/stovetop than runs off of propane! Love that thing!
I use a SIMPLE PUMP in a drilled well on the property you may also like the easy cheap water purification system at The web site JUST WATER the filters are cheap so are buckets. We also have a Manual washing machine for clothing. One last comment and then I Digress, as the dollar falls and stagflation takes hold large zombie companies that now have record debt because they bought back their stock and drove their stock price to record highs will default on their debt and will have to have massive layoffs, and as more people become unemployed and unable to pay there bills and lose their homes crime will rise because people will do anything to feed there families. It is happening on a small scale already look at the food lines and tent cities in the urban area’s but that’s just a drop in the bucket. And with that I Digress. Sorry for the rant. Hank45
I use a SIMPLE PUMP in a drilled well on the property you may also like the easy cheap water purification system at The web site JUST WATER the filters are cheap so are buckets. We also have a Manual washing machine for clothing. One last comment and then I Digress, as the dollar falls and stagflation takes hold large zombie companies that now have record debt because they bought back their stock and drove their stock price to record highs will default on their debt and will have to have massive layoffs, and as more people become unemployed and unable to pay there bills and lose their homes crime will rise because people will do anything to feed there families. It is happening on a small scale already look at the food lines and tent cities in the urban area’s but that’s just a drop in the bucket. And with that I Digress. Sorry for the rant. Hank45

Not a bad start. Walmart has some great deals!
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