sig mosquito ???

I've had one for quite awhile. Problems were Didn't like Thunderbolt or cheap dirty ammo. Feed issues. Easily fixed by polishing feed ramp BE VERY CAREFULL with replacing front sights. They fall out easily if not seated properly ! It took me 11 months to find replacement front sights and just by the grace of God found some off a parted gun ! Trigger is hard. Tried some things but nothing really helped Still like it but LOVE my Buckmark ! Shoots well suppressed
Buy a ruger
I mis-spoke, I must have been thinking of something else.. they are 1470, but thats still booking it for .22lr
Yeah, 1470 is still pretty hot for a .22, but I'd never heard of any 1600fps stuff.

I'm usually looking for the slowest stuff I can find to run in my suppressed FV-SR though, so I have no idea what the fastest .22 is on the market.
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