SIG "Rainbow" guns- why?


Its still gay either way you look at it,kinda like crocs....

I love my crocs. These are at least my 4th pair. Ive been outted. I cant find the other. Maybe my boyfriend has it.
I have a MBA and over 20 years of experience in product marketing. Here is my professional take on the positioning of this gun.

If you are forced to defend yourself from a violent criminal of color, (redundant?), the charge of racism can't stick. Mr DA, my client has a Rainbow Gun, he loves all colors and embraces the beautiful mosaic of downtown Atlanta.

Granted, this is just my opinion. I hope someone tests out my theory. The larger the sample size the better. For scientific anaylsis of course. Imagine Zimmermans defense. "His gun was a kindred spirit of Treyvons Skittles." I should have went to law school.
Good comparison.

There is no excuse for any straight man to ever wear crocs

I have two very old dogs and most night I need to let them out in the middle of the night. I have to carry one up and down the stairs. In the wintertime the crocs come in handy. I also wear them to the gym when i feel like meanacing people. I glare at the guys with the big arms and the wheel chair legs and pray they have the balls to comment.
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