Snake Sighting

Not sure if it's just the picture angle or not but that dude looks LONG. Biggest one I've ever seen is pushing 7' (and I believe 6' is about as big as they normally get) and he's been living in my shed at my cabin for years. I've pretty much given it to him. :lol:
That is the actual size all I had time to do was jump of the lawnmower and snap it. It is every bit of 6 1/2 foot i measured the bumper of my camper in the picture for reference and it is 7 1/2 feet.
This guy greeted me coming home for lunch a few years ago. 6'+. He was not happy when I picked him up with a rake and escorted him over the fence.
This was at my neighbor's garage a couple of days ago - biggest copperhead I have seen around here. By the time he came down to get me and we went back with a .22 the snake was gone. Told him the next time he sees it to shovel it - always worked for me...
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Time to sale the house or burn it down
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