So what happened to Flight 370

Peter Goelz, former managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board, thinks all this information -- if correct -- ominously suggests that someone purposefully cut off the transponder and steered the plane from its intended investigation.
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"This kind of deviation in course is simply inexplicable," said Goelz.

If the data cited by the source is correct, the aircraft was flying away from Beijing and on the opposite side of the Malay Peninsula from its scheduled route.
Why would the transponder -- an electrical instrument in commercial airline cockpits that continuously transmits information such as altitude, location, direction and speed -- have gone off?
Goelz, the former NTSB managing director, and others point out the only reason for someone to intentionally turn off the transponder is to conceal the plane's location and direction. Someone with nefarious intentions of taking over an aircraft and steering it to where it wasn't supposed to be -- or perhaps planning on crashing it -- might do just that.
"You have to have a very deliberate process to turn the transponder off," he said. "... There might still be mechanical explanations on what was going on, but those mechanical explanations are narrowing quickly."
It's getting stranger by the minute. I think the real answer will probably come from way out in left field.
I think the airline started playing a Justin Beiber song and all the passengers and pilots simultaneously committed suicide just make the suffering stop
I definitely don't believe that the transponder being enabled by a young Iranian male with a stolen passport on board were the reasons. 94f0cb21bd56b93e42b4e712200eced6.jpg
Appears an attempt to utilize the global nuclear event satellite detection network in determination if the Malaysian Flight disappearance had a high altitude (35,000 ft) explosion prior to disappearing off radar, GPS and communications. The space telescopes and atmospheric burst locator's onboard those birds carry a variety of sensors and surveillance filters. That means no stone left unturned in the search.

PS: At the very least it makes for good idea generating stuff for screen writers and novelists.
The above highlighted portion of your statement is 100% wrong. RADAR installations are land based and Trans-oceanic flights are not in RADAR contact for most of the course over open ocean. Position Reporting fixes where an aircraft is and is expected to be next. How do I know? Because I have done it.

While the missing aircraft may have been in radar contact when it disappeared, the statement that all aircraft over open ocean are in RADAR contact is 100% false and helps fuel the tinfoil conspires.

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