Solar Eclipse coming through Georgia on August 21st !!!

Parents, if you want your kids to see this eclipse you better take them out of school tomorrow. The government goons that run the schools will not allow your kids outside during the eclipse for fear that they will look up, without the special glasses or pinhole viewers, and damage their eyes.

A once in a lifetime opportunity will be ruined by idiots in positions of power who kiss the butts of the lowest common denominator kids-- the stupidest and most reckless in our society. If they can't be trusted to do it the right way then NOBODY can do it at all .

Today's Marietta newspaper:
I think tomorrow is an excellent day to stay home and off the roads. How many knot heads wile be trying to drive and look at the eclipse at the same time? Could be a great day for the auto collision guys. By the way, I just realized that the man bun brings new meaning to the term knot head. lmao
If the center of the path is NE of Clayton, why are people heading up to other parts of north Georgia? I thought anywhere else is a partial eclipse that can be seen from any location.
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