Sons of Guns on Discovery Channel

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This is the only "gun" show my wife will watch with me. Yeah, it is pretty much mindless drival, but at least I get to see a few guns.
It's kinda painful to watch for anyone that knows firearms. I know Christos who they flew in for the Ma Duece build and he said he wasn't a bad guy. So true though that they claim to invent stuff that has been invented for 20 years. Like a supressor for an AK. The huge technological breathrough was................a notch for the gas system haha....

Also the prices they quote are stupid crazy high. They made there name building AKs and doing Saiga conversion which is something most shadetree gunsmiths can do. I saw them trying to set those rivets on the M2 and cringed.

Will is a regular poster on Uzitalk....
Was it her voice or that jacked up grill that annoyed you the most?

It was the whole turtle look that did it for me. The sloped chin. The smaller than average head. And of course the lack of acting ability. Hell, I could read her lines more convincing than she does. She sounds like an 8 yr old reading in school with a pause between words. She certainly doesnt have to worry about becoming famous for her acting.

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