Teething baby...

Look up hylands teething tabs. We used them for both of our kids and they are amazing.

absolutely the best choice, my son starting getting teeth at 6 weeks. This was the game changer.

while your at it, pick up some tiny cold tablets as well. Both of these are awesome remedies.
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[h=2]Frozen Paci[/h]This is a method that is best right before they are to fall asleep. It is simple, and easy. You just have to know that the ice part does not last long. Enough to calm them down, for a short period of time. My kids used it to fall asleep.
Note: You are to use the Orthodonic pacifiers.
1. Fill small glass with fresh water.
2. Sit pacifier in the water.
3. Squeeze the nipple part until it is filled with water.
4. Place and freezer until completely frozen.
5. Use multiple pacifiers, and rotate out for best affect. Can use as needed
We rubbed a little Benadryl on her gums and it has worked well for ours. Good man for letting the wife sleep. Your life will be better for it!!
Sounds like voodoo, but they work: Amber necklaces. We used em on both our littles and they are amazing. I know it defies all of the laws of nature and logic, but you'll see results in an hour. I think my lovely wife got them from someplace with "Baltic Amber" in the name.

They did so well on stopping the drool and the pain that a lot of our friends got them too. $$ well spent.
We have three girls and while they were teething we would take a clean wash cloth and wet it and then put it in the freezer. They would gnaw on it and it worked for all three.
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