Tent Living ain’t that bad

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It’s been about 2 months living in a tent every other week. It ain’t that bad. I got this old school canvas style tent which is much cooler than the petroleum based ones. The biggest issue is set up / take down. It’s heavy and you have to let it completely dry before storing. I highly recommended this style of you like to do week long remote hunting trips.

I’m working via mobile hot spot and still able to attend the kids stuff as needed. I have found I’m way less distracted with things and can get a lot of work done. Also, I spend a ton of time reading books that have been on my list for a while. I just finished “The Stranger” by Camus and “Damian” by Herman Heese. Would love some more recommendations of similar books set in a more modern time than 1910’s Europe.
I recommend the Holy Bible as the the best reading you will ever do .
It’s been about 2 months living in a tent every other week. It ain’t that bad. I got this old school canvas style tent which is much cooler than the petroleum based ones. The biggest issue is set up / take down. It’s heavy and you have to let it completely dry before storing. I highly recommended this style of you like to do week long remote hunting trips.

I’m working via mobile hot spot and still able to attend the kids stuff as needed. I have found I’m way less distracted with things and can get a lot of work done. Also, I spend a ton of time reading books that have been on my list for a while. I just finished “The Stranger” by Camus and “Damian” by Herman Heese. Would love some more recommendations of similar books set in a more modern time than 1910’s Europe.
What type of subject matter do you like to read ?
Need to borrow my van?
You ever read Graham Greene? I’d recommend The Quiet American and The Comedians. Set in Vietnam and Haiti respectively. They’ll be a lot more engaging and digestible than Camus. Hit up a used book store if you can.
my brother just got done living in a yurt for about a year and a half. certain sacrifices had to be made but it wasnt bad at all.
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