The New York Times just published first front page editorial in 95 years "outlaw civilian guns."

After reading this article, what do you say?

  • Any blood shed will be on the hands of the tyrants.

    Votes: 31 100.0%
  • We need more gun control.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Control. That's it, exactly! Thank you, Patronus, for posting earlier in this thread the truth about control.

It's about control. Our guns are just the last step in the Fed’s gaining complete control. Everything we hold dear has been placed under Federal Gov control, except our right to defend ourselves. The Federal Government has control of our children's education...I mean liberal indoctrination. It’s about control.

The Fed has control of the health system and will TAX you, that's what it is, a TAX when they take part of your income tax refund because you refuse to enroll in the government's health care system. It's a TAX when the Federal Government freezes your bank account and withdraws what they say a person owes according to the law, because they can't take your income tax refund because you don't have one. And if the Fed’s cannot take the TAX they say is just, they will send armed IRS agents to your home and take you. They will take your property if you don’t pay their TAX. They will take your possessions if you don’t pay their TAX. This and more is happening to people in our country as I type this. This Healthcare TAX is about control.

There is only one step left; control of us. Brothers, Sisters, Patriots, it is about control. If we allow this last step to be taken by the Fed's, they will gain control of US. If we allow our children or the next generation, God help them, to be raised thinking that we must be totally dependent upon government for our education, health needs, protection, etc., they will gain control of US. NO! Enough is enough, NO!

The New York Times front page story was our wake up call that the Fed's are going to start pushing public opinion toward gun control, using whatever liberal media they can. And through whatever laws they can pass. Through whatever executive orders Obama can sign. They are going to push real hard. No matter if it takes the form of nationwide gun registration, or legislation that regulates person to person gun sales without an FFL, which I thank God every day that I live in a state where this is not law, or outright Federal programs or laws that mandate we turn in our guns over a certain amount of time, or else...

We must stand! God help us because we know we must stand! We must draw our line in the sand and stop just talking to our family and friends and saying, "If the Gov does this or that I'm drawing my line in the sand!" No more waiting and depending on our elected officials to save and/or help us concerning pro-gun legislation! No more. Just, no more.

A complete gun control law was passed in Germany in 1928, and Nazi Germany, under the control of Hitler, murdered at least 13 million people. A complete gun control law was passed in 1929 in The Soviet Union, and from 1929 to 1953 20 million people were slaughtered. A complete gun control law was passed in China in 1935 and China's Communist Party from 1949 to 1976 murdered 20 million people. And on, and on, and on.

We think we are different. Hey, we are American's! Ya! Football, apple pie, every friggin comfort and luxury we can think of, we can buy for the right price. But what price have we paid? We closed our eyes and our government took everything we hold dear. Now they want control of US. It's not just about guns, as Patronus said so well. It's time we realize that the Fed's can, and will, take away our right to bear arms, if we let them. If we hand them total control. If we close our eyes to what is happening. Our Republic was once great. Once. A long time ago. We gave our Republic away. We handed it to the Federal Government. We are all at fault.

Now what? Are we going to hand the Fed’s complete gun control. I know who I am. You know who you are. We know we cannot let this happen.

In the words of Martin Niemoller, the Pastor who spoke out against Hitler and ended up spending 7 years in concentration camps:

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
No, they sad fact of history is that, so often, the blessings of liberty are secured for so many "sheeple" who have no understanding, let alone appreciation for the very liberty they are being blessed with. Indeed, many of them use seek to use their first act of liberty to divest themselves of it, in some vain pursuit of security. They vote away their freedom empowering a government to repress their neighbors, thinking this makes them safe. It is the inherent cowardice of sheep to flock to shepherd for protection, never understanding that the shepherds themselves are the ultimate danger and only protect them from the wolves to eliminate the competition.

The time is fast coming to refresh the tree of liberty. Maybe this time we will use clearer, less flowery(and ambiguous) language in the founding documents so that the great lawyers, can no longer befuddle the weak minded with their sophistries.

No more:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


"It is the right of all adult citizens to own and carry weapons congruent with contemporary technology to ensure their own protection as well as contribute to the liberty of a free people. It shall be a crime for non citizens to own or possess weapons within the borders of the United States or on the soil of it's embassies or consulates."
Well said my brother
"No right is unlimited and immune from infringement"

Do you think he feels the same way about the first ammendment too?

FIFY, just because one claims something before attempting it does not make it true.

Sort of like ignorant elitist claiming "I strongly support the second amendment but..."

The founding fathers didn't stutter and it's clear to many of to the purpose and intent of the enumerated rights.
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What union?

You mean the federal pimping of each state and territory?

You nailed it! The liberals have been pinning us to the proverbial dart board for years. With our candidates wishy washy as of late the libs are celebrating, Republicans better get there act together, or 8 more years of the Obama doctrine is on its way.
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