The Pussyfication Of America Continues

I saw this. Nothing surprises me anymore. What was once one of the great organizations for young men has been hijacked like the rest of America. Pitiful. I always wanted a son so we could do scouts together and now that I have a son I will have to find something else for us to do. Such a shame our country has reached a point so low that we are having roadblocks every mile to hinder boys from becoming men. Our culture is being absolutely decimated before our eyes.
Boy scouts have caved, like a bunch others

Whatever. I dont care if folks are becoming hypersensitive dainty little flowers, hell if anything it means less people in the world who could kick my ass or stand up to me :)
It is still happening. That was as of May 11th, 2015. The experiment isn't over yet.
A woman will graduate, even if she has to be carried, unconscious, over the finish line.

The left destroys everything it touches. They are incapable of creating anything on their own, only hijacking the efforts of better men and ruining it. The boy scouts are just one example. Once an organisation lets a social justice warrior in a position of leadership, it's over. All boy scout parents, I used to be one, should remove.their children and look into joining one of alternative organisations that have started in recent years and help to build the type of group you want to be a part of.
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