This is gonna piss some people off..............But why do you carry a firearm?

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I carry so that in the event that someone wishes to harm my family, friends or even an unsuspecting stranger, that I could possibly change that outcome. My intent would never be to kill another person (even if justified in self defense by the law), but to stop a threat. And even if I were justified by the law, I realize the gravity of ending someone's life would weigh on me the rest of mine.
Hero complex?
Want to protect something or someone and need a gun to do it?

Satan calls your firearms TOYs. You can't kill a soul with a gun no matter how hard you try.

You want to protect something then protect your soul from the darkness.

You pull that gun over something GOD doesn't classify as requiring death then it is just murder and that is on your head.

So why do you carry?

I will not be the one under the table begging for my life. When I confront the coward face to face I want to see the look in his eyes when I shoot him.**** his soul.
How can i be held responsible for anything if everything goes according to God's plan? i mean i don't consciously know his plan and yet i abide by it with every action i take. so....yea...i guess....
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