Tough gun control laws linked to lower death rates

I'm sure its true. It has to be statistically. States with rediculous gun laws typically have fewer firearms owners as a result, fewer people are killed (legally or not). I'm sure there are also more lives saved in states that allow's common sense.

I would guess that Decatur Georgia has a higher rate of Volvo related deaths than Covington does. Does that mean Volvos are unsafe? Of course not, it just means there are less Volvos on the road.

These bs stories also fail to address if death rates are lower or higher, just the rate at which a particular implement is used to carry out a crime. I'm no journalism expert, but I'd fire any reporter that wrote that.
Where do these people get this information? Media at its best! Well what about Chicago? And of course this report is from Commiefornia.

They create it through "Public Health Research" that they pay for or get the tax payer to pay for it, that's how. Here is one that worked at Emory in Atlanta and CDC paid him (grant) with your tax dollars, until they were caught working their agenda.

He reluctantly gave his data, not all at first but when all the data was given, he cherry picked it to support gun control and the stats gleaned did not support his hypothesis. Congress with NRA stopped the funding with tax dollars to support anti-gun (biased) research.

Dr. Authur Kellerman's propaganda is quoted and posted on every anti-gun web site I reviewed. They parade it around and the willfully naive swallow it with great enthusiasm.

Or they can just lie but make it sound official like Dianne Feinstein's web page misstating a DOJ report on the AWB 1994, they said it was so rare and the numbers were so low that a correlation could not be made she however stretches (bold face lie) and states that the report showed nearly a 7% drop but that was a lie and she just parrots it like the truth.
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lol chicago is leading homicides for the country in the new year

5 already, and it hasnt even been a full week
Must be true because it's on the internet. They can't put it on the internet if it isn't true. That's what I read on the internet. :p

There's so much media spin out there right now I think it's speeding up the Earth's rotation. I know it's making a lot of people dumber than they already were. :)
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