Understanding the Lights in your Car Dashboard

When some arrogant ashwhole pulls up behind me with their high beams on when I'm already exceeding the speed limit and they're hanging on my ass like we're connected by a tow chain...

.... I readjust my rearview mirror to shine that light back at them , at least as best as I can guess about the correct angle.

Sometimes I don't think these drivers are actually using their high beams; they just bought super high intensity lights combined with driving lifted pickup trucks.

Or, regular pickups /SUVs with some load in the back that makes the back end sag and the front end aim upward.
May be indicator your lamps need to be aligned
if lights are blinding others even when on low beam.

As for that hi beam light on the dash..........
How you expect drivers to notice that while they
are driving 20mph over the limit while talking on
their phone w/one hand and eating with the other?
I'm in a lifted truck, my lights are pointed exactly where i need them.
My problem is the jacked up trucks that now have their headlights at eye level. That max height law of 54 inches sucks the bag.
And yes, they also run with brights on full time.
Some nights I feel like I’m gonna get a sunburn driving to dinner.
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