Water pressure help

Which direction do you turn to raise or lower?
If you have to adjust the pressure on a old PRV it won't stay reduced very long, Everything has a life and PRV's are no different. PRV's are built for pressures form 50 to 75psi if the valve is less than 50 or over 75 ....it's done!!!
call a professonal! It’s most likely a pressure reducing valve (PRV) most new home plumbers insrall cheap PRV's. A good PRV should last 10 years depending on your city incoming pressure. Califfi make a great reglulator or at the least get a Watts 25AUB.
OP states pressure is too low. If the regulator/PRV failed it would be way too high. Adjusting it should solve the problem.
Hopefully the builder didn’t install the reducer valve below ground level. I had one that way years ago on a new house. It corroded and snapped in half. Which sent it into the d default setting
Of almost closed completely. I found a wet spot in the yard that wouldn’t dry to locate it.
OP states pressure is too low. If the regulator/PRV failed it would be way too high. Adjusting it should solve the problem.
NOPE! the valve is design to work between 50 to 75 psi If it's less or more, the valve has failed. yes,you can adjust them but, the adjustment won't hold for very long, gauranteed!
call a professonal! Its most likely a pressure reducing valve (PRV) most new home plumbers insrall cheap PRV's. A good PRV should last 10 years depending on your city incoming pressure. Califfi make a great reglulator or at the least get a Watts 25AUB.

Yes on calling a professional, yes on junking the crappy builders grade prv and YES on a Watta 25AUB.
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