Well this is fun.

Main line drain clog. Ground floor flooded. Class 3, so going to have to have professional clean up with the walls opened up and rebuilt.

They got most of the water out last night and the plumber is clearing the clog now. The water reclamation crew will be back to wreck out the walls and start the driers for about five days. Then we rebuild.

Loads of fun.

Oh man, that stinks :drum:
Had it at another house but luckily it was just water 1/2 inch, and all we needed was 1,500 sq ft. of new carpet.
I hope you didn't have any guns below the water line...be kind of like a boating accident... :doh: :)
And now for the best part.

The clog is too far down the line to reach with a 125 foot snake. They have to run a camera and then dig. Could cost as much as $4500. Insurance doesn't cover it.
That sucks! Our main line clogged a couple of years ago but it was not nearly as bad. As luck would have it, our cleanout pipe cap wasn't on and so all the poo water poured out in to our front yard. My best friend had theirs clog on Thanksgiving last year, and it was pretty bad.
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