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First off repairing makes more money than replacing and if he’s seeing 10,000 to 20,000 dollar quotes there is no way 2500 is the cost of equipment unless the other companies are total crooks. Also when you upwards of 10,000 it’s probably high efficiency equipment which can run upwards of 6,000 and up.

My friend is not the one " cutting his own throat and hurting the industry ".
As for " repairing makes more money than replacing "...it depends on your level of experience , knowledge , and how many service calls a company requires a technician to make in a day.
In my experience as a consumer of HVAC services a few times over the years...the 1-2 man show has always given the best price and service. The larger HVAC companies were always a lot more for the same service, as well as having to sort thru all the add on crap they wanna sell ya (kinda like buying a car). A year or so ago I had to replace my HVAC system, I called 3 different HVAC companies in the area and all of them were a couple of thousand higher than the guy I used, and he stops in once a year to make sure everything is still running well. Thats just my personal consumer experience, so I can see how the 2 man show can offer good prices and give stellar service...that guy doesn't have multiple mouths to feed on each sale like a larger company.
WOW ... I did not intend or try to trigger such raw emotions from you guys.

My friend is licensed and insured. He has a couple of subdivisions in Athens that only use him when they have a problem. He has several big churches , pro athletes , dentists, and doctors that use him exclusively for their business , homes , and rental properties. He built his business because he does good work , gives good service, and does not rape people on pricing. He built his business by word of mouth. He always said/ says he could get three or four trucks and and try to be the biggest game in town and up sell people sh*t they don't really need because it is more profitable than repairing it. But that is not how he chooses to do business. He says there is enough work to be had by everyone. Lately he is seeing estimates for 10 to 20 thousand dollars that have about 2500 dollars worth of parts and supplies. The other thousands of dollars is what a greedy AC man charges for labor. He is not greedy and does not have the overhead....so yeah he can save the customer several thousand dollars and they are very happy. He can make several thousand dollars for a few hours work and he is very happy.

My friend is not the one " cutting his own throat and hurting the industry ".
As for " repairing makes more money than replacing "...it depends on your level of experience , knowledge , and how many service calls a company requires a technician to make in a day.
If you say so and your totally wrong on on repairs! You can help the customer out and repair the system as must as they need it. By doing that and being honest about the repairs and possible future problems your gonna make the money on repairs then down the road you will make the money on replacing it. I’ve been in this industry all my life the only thing I’ve done beside hvac is serve my country. There is nothing you can say to say to me that says sales are more profitable then repairs. Yes sales are the big lump some of money but repairs are the long game as long as your honest!

My friend is not the one " cutting his own throat and hurting the industry ".
As for " repairing makes more money than replacing "...it depends on your level of experience , knowledge , and how many service calls a company requires a technician to make in a day.
Also I own a small hvac company and price Gouging is horrible but you need to charge for your knowledge
In my experience as a consumer of HVAC services a few times over the years...the 1-2 man show has always given the best price and service. The larger HVAC companies were always a lot more for the same service, as well as having to sort thru all the add on crap they wanna sell ya (kinda like buying a car). A year or so ago I had to replace my HVAC system, I called 3 different HVAC companies in the area and all of them were a couple of thousand higher than the guy I used, and he stops in once a year to make sure everything is still running well. Thats just my personal consumer experience, so I can see how the 2 man show can offer good prices and give stellar service...that guy doesn't have multiple mouths to feed on each sale like a larger company.
That’s why it’s a good rule of thumb to get 3 quotes and usually go with the middle one.
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