What food can be stored in a get home bag.

I keep my weapons for getting back home in my vehicle and change out the ammo regularly but I was wondering what sort of food stuffs can be kept in a get home bag that can be left in the car for months at the time in all sorts of temperature extremes.

-Pocket Size Water Filter
- MRE 's
- Energy Bar
- Survival Water pouch good up to 3-4 yrs.
- Crackers-
any food you keep in your car in the heat is not going to last long...shortest time, protein bars, peanut butter a bit longer but not much (maybe a month), mre maybe a couple of months tops, freeze-dried probably a year depending on the quality (mountain house really good, wise not so much)...remember if it is 90 outside it's going to be 140 plus in your vehicle...if your vehicle is black even hotter...
any food you keep in your car in the heat is not going to last long...shortest time, protein bars, peanut butter a bit longer but not much (maybe a month), mre maybe a couple of months tops, freeze-dried probably a year depending on the quality (mountain house really good, wise not so much)...remember if it is 90 outside it's going to be 140 plus in your vehicle...if your vehicle is black even hotter...
Depends on the vehicle. In a sedan, the temp in the trunk remains close to outside temp.
Depends on the vehicle. In a sedan, the temp in the trunk remains close to outside temp.
depends on the vehicle, the outside temp, the inside temp...all of that...point is if you keep it in the car in the summer heat is going to ruin it...protein bar could be a mess in one day...
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