What is wrong with young people now?

It's the digital generation. They have lost a lot of interpersonal skills.

I recently read a study that said that now approximately 1/3 of men under 30 are virgins. I suspect that is another symptom of the same problem.
I can't understand this. When I was a teenager, not being a virgin was my main motivating factor in doing things. :lol: Now it's fat greasy dudes in their 20's-30s worried about their next game "achievement".
I agree with you not only are there Speaking skills lacking, I have trouble understanding what they are saying, my son usually translates for me, plus I'm having trouble with there looks it's getting hard determining if I'm speaking to a women or man.

I do remember having to go to the Army hospital on Fort Rucker in the mid to late 70s and my mother not being able to understand the medics when they were talking about stitching up my cut to the bone finger.

A few years ago I amazed my in-laws by translating what a guy at a junk yard said about where to dump some old appliances.

I can comprende Puerto Rican slang and junk yard slang, but I don't understand teenage wanna-be "rap" slang.

And I've seen my share of gender confused teens even up in NE Georgia. gotta pray for the confused.
Im 30 and dont like talking to people. Never have, probably never will. I honestly just dont care to carry on conversations with people unless its about a project or problem.
Same. Nothing is accomplished with a conversation about your weekend. There's no substance.

And to answer OPs question, it's a result of people that let other things raise their kids. Yall wonder why the youth of today can't communicate in person it's because you never interacted with them. Instead of building that skill, you handed them that toy or sat them in front of the TV to shut them up so you could **** off and do something you wanted to do.
I can't understand this. When I was a teenager, not being a virgin was my main motivating factor in doing things. :lol: Now it's fat greasy dudes in their 20's-30s worried about their next game "achievement".

I started getting stink on my fingers when I was 15 and at the time I thought that was late compared to some of my friends. I can't imagine being celibate all through my twenties
We have some software developers at work in their 20s. They won't talk nor make eye contact with anyone. When they walk around the building it is dead straight with their eyes locked straight ahead. They won't acknowledge anyone or anything. They seem to have a look of fear on their faces at all times. I feel bad for them but don't talk to them as I don't want to end up on the list when they go postal.
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