What is wrong with young people now?

You aren’t alone I don’t think. I have another theory though. I’m wondering if it’s the fault of the overbearing helicopter parents these days (guilty of this also). Seems the parents are always talking for their kids and chaperoning every activity. Kids aren’t really allowed to be their own persons. Also in the day of covid, kids are told not to socialize in school. Idk. I think they will blossom once they hit high school and college. I can’t say I ever spoke with adults much when I was a kid. I mean what would you say really?
Adult: Hey how are you?
Kid: Fine.
Adult: What did you think about xyz?
Kid: It’s ok.
Adult: who’s your favorite Pokémon?
Kid: ?????

Not really anything a kid can talk about with an adult
I’ve noticed since 2018ish young people (13 to 20’s) began to lack social skills and personal interaction with not only each other but specifically anyone older. I set up booths at different events and yesterday was eye opening on the future. Almost every young person to come to my booth refused to speak a word directly to me unless is was a mumble. I had two couples look at me like a deer in headlights and run off the second I said hello.

Are other people experiencing similar interactions or do I just look weird?

You gotta text them your words and feelings, using them there "ee-mo-jees".

If you do that, then you can communicate with them.
It's the digital generation. They have lost a lot of interpersonal skills.

I recently read a study that said that now approximately 1/3 of men under 30 are virgins. I suspect that is another symptom of the same problem.

Nothing wrong with saving yourself for the right gender.
I remember when I was a little kid a large man with a huge scar on his face came to my door. I answered it and I was home alone. The man proceeded to tell me he was selling something for Vietnam veterans (My father being a Nam vet)
I was a little scared of him but I still called him Sir and said my Dad will be home in a little while and he can help you Sir.

Funny now looking back. I think I grew up to be that man.
Kids can't communicate because they don't have to. I work with a bunch of 18-24 year-olds, they can't function without their phones and can't communicate face to face in any sort of reasonable fashion. Getting confrontational with one is amusing, but atleastb they will speak up when they say asshole.
Robert Baden Powell , founder of the Boy Scouts said he got along with the kids because he "thought like them".
I have no problem dealing with younger people. I speak to them as though I was speaking to someone my age. "Pronouns"? I bypass that all together and talk to the person as I would a friend.
I approach everyone the way I would like to be approached. It works.
You aren’t alone I don’t think. I have another theory though. I’m wondering if it’s the fault of the overbearing helicopter parents these days (guilty of this also). Seems the parents are always talking for their kids and chaperoning every activity. Kids aren’t really allowed to be their own persons. Also in the day of covid, kids are told not to socialize in school. Idk. I think they will blossom once they hit high school and college. I can’t say I ever spoke with adults much when I was a kid. I mean what would you say really?
Adult: Hey how are you?
Kid: Fine.
Adult: What did you think about xyz?
Kid: It’s ok.
Adult: who’s your favorite Pokémon?
Kid: ?????

Not really anything a kid can talk about with an adult
Oh my god, this is exactly the case when talking to millenial women. No hobbies or personality, no strong opinions.

We also grew up in post 9/11 anthrax in the mail america. I feel so depress when i see children in grocery store in mask with their mom. Reminds me of when i was kid and always expected to die from terrorist or be abducted and murdered. But with covid is worse because you dont even know when it is for you
It's the digital generation. They have lost a lot of interpersonal skills.

I recently read a study that said that now approximately 1/3 of men under 30 are virgins. I suspect that is another symptom of the same problem.
Do you turn into a reincarnated virgin at a certain age or length of time without.
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